This counter narrative is needed because it reveals my unique individual knowledge beyond logic. More here.


Starting this research with DUST is inevitable.

I’m I intrigued by dust as a material, but also by dust as a metaphor. Dust embodies both the material as well as the non-material. Dust provides me with a narrative.

1) “From dust to dust”. Everything is created from dust and will return to dust. We are created from the same particles as all the other elements. Everything is connected: past, present, future. I am dust.

2) One particle can’t make a huge impact in change, however a huge dust cloud can! In order to change something, we need to cooperate.

Cooperation in a dust cloud is a dynamic process, without one ruler. It’s an organic responsive system. Is this an inspiration for finding new modes of cooperation?

3) Dust destroys and disrupts; it annoys. Dust can destroy ecosystems, but at the same time has the potential of new life because of the microbes that are attached to it. So after the dust has destroyed the old system, it also gives life to a new system. Is this the power of design? Can design critically question and disrupt a system but at the same time have the potential of creating an alternative?

4) The dust in a cloud is a collective made up of a lot of different materials (sand, carbon, salt). This diversity creates its essence. Is design a monoculture or does it potentially have a wide variety, as well?
Dust cloud; Drawing Annemarie Piscaer

5) Over a period of time, a cloud of dust loses a lot of particles and gains new ones. It will have changed in shape due to the currents in the wind and moved over new territories. Is it still the same cloud? What constitutes its identity? This makes me question: what constitutes the identity of design, when designers are taking new roles and are overarching other disciplines?

6) Dust can show other invisible forces even through of its own intangible nature. It shows rays of light and currents in the wind and water. Dust reminds me of the importance of these natural resources.

The capability of showing these invisible forces makes me question if this is a role art/design can play in complex issues? Can design show invisible but elementary forces within a context?

7) The dust in the air has a similar visual appearance as the stars in the galaxy, despite that this bridges a giant spectrum in size. Is there a potential for design to operate in these opposite spectrum’s in size? Is there a potential in the ability for design to be able to zoom in and out?

It is important in the context of this thesis to bear in mind the narrative that dust provides me because it not only explains how I will continue to use various narratives throughout this thesis, but also explains my way of thinking rather in particles then in continues flows.

Cooperative particles within a dust cloud; Drawing Annemarie Piscaer